Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Just Keep Swimming

I thought of this line from Finding Nemo: Just Keep Swimming. He needs this marathon mentality at the moment, since his emergency surgery sent him back to the starting line. He's been watching the swimming trials for the U.S. Olympic Team. He calls their commitment and skills inspiring. Inspiration is exactly what my Daddy needs at a time like this. Dad alternates periods of rest and exercise, gaining momentum and testing the waters of recovery. He walked twice yesterday, ate every meal, and actually slept for a record breaking six hours! All this is a miracle considering the surgeons removed 1700cc of fluid off of his heart, pericardial sack, and lungs. I'm not familiar with metric units, but it was enough to make doctors wonder how dad was still alive. All the prayer requests are the same...recovery, restful sleep, energy, neck pain, and a steady heartbeat. Yesterday, I watched Dad's heart monitors, admiring the beautiful, even spacing between each beat. I've seen so much arrhythmia since his first surgery that this consistent drum of life brings tears to my eyes. Every once in a while he'll have bursts of irregularity, but we're all on a learning curve. I'm trusting God more each day, learning to accept his will regardless of what he brings our way. I've finally swallowed the lump that's lived in my throat for the past 2 weeks.

P.S. Kay asks you pray for her health and wellbeing so she can stay with Dad. Her intuition and careful eye has proved to be so important! She definitely feels a little hyper aware of everything since his last complication. I think she's assumed more responsibility in making sure he is okay. Pray for her peace and wisdom.


Anonymous said...

Lifting your family up in prayer right this minute. Asking God to be Jehovah Jireh for each of you today, to provide for your needs. As He does so in amazing ways.
Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He takes great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he rejoices over you with singing.
God's health and peace to you Milan. ~Judy

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,

I was at Coast Hills Last night. Missed seeing Milan and Kay. Their friend Jim was a great speaker. The entire group prayed for Milan and your family. I will continue to pray. Stay strong.
Blessings, Joanna

Anonymous said...


Every time we open Kelly’s amazing blog, we pray for a positive message. TODAY our prayers have been answered. It’s only fitting that you are watching the Olympic swim trials. We have total faith that GOD has only one medal in sight for you and that is GOLD. But getting gold will require that you conquer many challenges. Although you will continue to feel that these challenges are far beyond your power, you will succeed with encouragement, faith, inner strength, courage and an amazing attitude. Kay, Kevin, Amy, Kelly and Mille Kay, this goes for you also. Your inspiration is our inspiration.
We love you and will work overtime on our prayers for your positive recovery and that GOLD medal.

Cousin Jim, Janeen Megan and Tyler

Anonymous said...

Dear Kelly,
I did a web search to try to find out how much 1700 cc of fluid is. This is what the web said under a website called OnlineConversion.com Forum.
Here are 3 posted comments that I felt might have the answer:

1). "cc stands for cubic centimeters and you can find that on the volume conversion page.
1500 cubic centimeters = 1.5 liters = 51 ounces = 6.3 cups"

2) "1700 cc ~ 57.48 US fluid ounces. "

3) "you should know how to convert oz to cc's not the other way around 1oz is = to 30 cc's"

So, from what I understood (which I hope is correct)
Since 30cc = 1 oz., then 1700cc /30cc per 1 oz. = 56.6667 ounces (which is 7.083 cups).
I hope this info. helps.
Yes, it sure seems like he had alot of fluid in his heart & lungs.

Anonymous said...

Dear Milan & family,
We greatly rejoice with you & thank God for every single step of your recovery. We will continue to lift all of you up in prayer.
We love you. RC

Russ and Judy said...

Sending some flowers to brighten your room! Russ, Judy & Thad

Anonymous said...

dear kelly,

just finished reading all your blog and the comments. what a special young Christian young woman you have become! have you thought of becoming a writer? you certainly have the talent! with much love, nancy

dear milan, kay, and all the yerkoviches,

so sorry to hear about all the problems that milan has been having, and, thus, all the concern and stress that this has created for all of you.

all of you, individually and as a family, have all been such a blessing for many years to so very many people throughout the world, and so very many of them are uplifting all of you to God in prayer.

may God put His healing hands on milan's heart and whole body and bring him to a full recovery and with much restful sleep. and may God put His comforting, loving, restful hands on each of your hearts and minds.

with a grateful heart for all you have meant to me through many years and experiences, you remain in my loving thoughts and prayers, nancy

Anonymous said...

Dear Milan, Kay and Dear Family,

Jay & Jan here. We are in the last days of a three-week ESL course at Wheaton College.

We think of you and pray for you every day.

Milan, if an oldies-but-goodies by the Beatles impacted you (Help Me If You Can), then here is an oldies that pre-dates the four mop-heads.

Are you ready?

Stanley, Stanley, Stanley Chevrolet
Two blocks off the Santa Ana Freeway,
11980 East Firestone,
Stanley Chevrolet.

Now Milan, you may want to sing this little jingle under your breath. If the docs and nurses here you belting this out, they may adjust you meds thinking you are soaring to places unknown.

We love you and wish we could be there with you.

Our God IS an awesome God!

Jay & Jan

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,

What wonderful news...I am thrilled to hear about the regular heartbeat, eating three meals and most of all 6 hours of sleep!!! That is soooo healing!

Let your Mom know that she is a saint, Milan's angel to watch over him while in ICU/hosp. My Mom, Dr. Lynn was an ICU Nurse for decades and she was apalled that they missed the fluid build up! Thank Jesus for you and your moms intuition and constant watchful eye! It is necessary and life saving!!!

Give Milan our love and thoughts and prayers!!


Anonymous said...


I was driving past UCLA the other day and immediately thought of you and began to pray for you and your family. Tears came to my eyes as I was listening to the lyrics from Building 429's song, "Singing Over Me". I hope they encourage you...God Almighty is singing over you!

"In the middle of the night
When I finally close my eyes
With the memory of the day
Running circles in my mind
The voice that calms the seas
Is whispering to me
Putting all my fears to rest
Yeah, You put them all to rest.

Then I realize that You’re always by my side
When I stand, when I fall, when the lights go off.

You, You’re singing over me
You’re singing over me tonight
With every star that’s in this midnight sky
You, You’re singing over me
You’re singing over me tonight
And my heart is overcome with Your song,
with Your song...

Yeah then I realize that you are always by my side
In my worst and best, in this beating chest,
When I’m living dying always finding...

You, You’re singing over me!"

Looking up,
Wendy (Whitney or is it Wanda?)