More Answers and Updates: From Kay
We want all you prayer partners to know just how huge your prayers and what they accomplished. The technical name for Milan's condition that prompted the emergency surgery is Cardiac Tamponade. This is a rapid accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sack that surrounds the heart. This build up puts pressure on the heart causing it to be unable to pump adequately to supply oxygen to the body. I did some research and every article said this is a life-threatening condition that is a medical emergency. The condition progresses rapidly and is "universally fatal" if not diagnosed and treated promptly.
Our experience in the hospital on Saturday was anything but prompt. All I can say is God was answering our prayers to keep Milan alive in spite of their snail's pace. Had I known what I know now, I would have been screaming up and down the halls to get a doctor into the room sooner. All day it was nurses and nurse practitioners. I realize now, in hindsight, that I was watching Milan's body shut down that Saturday. He was so weak he could not stay awake. He slept through a blood draw and the echocardiogram. His hands and feet were freezing because blood was being diverted to the vital organs. He did not eat one bite of food for two days. His skin on his chest was purple and molted on Saturday by noon. I found out later this was another sign of his body shutting down. He looked five months pregnant (his body could not get rid of the fluid because his kidneys were not working and his liver was swollen according to Dr. Seleah). His legs were si swollen he had no visible knees or ankles. In spite of this his oxygen levels (according to the monitor) were good which is why they kept telling me "he's stable".
The doctor that finally did walk into the room, Dr. Seleah, is known through out the hospital as "the genius". He was called in on the case because he is a kidney specialist and Milan's kidneys were barely functioning. Turns out he has other specialties as well. It only took him 45 seconds to determine Milan was in big trouble and he started ordering everyone around to get him into ICU NOW! and into emergency surgery ASAP. It all happened so fast after Dr. Seleah came. I credit him with saving Milan's life or… should I say, God used him to save Milan's life.
We have been home for 10 days and make progress day by day. Milan's lost 15 pounds of fluid and looks like himself again. He is very tired and a bit discouraged by how low his energy level is. It does get a tiny bit better every day. I keep reminding him how much his body has gone through. I'm surprised how exhausted I am too and have slept a lot. It was a very difficult emotional experience for me to see Milan so weak and feel discounted by the nurses who kept telling me all the signs I just described ( I pointed them all out) were no big deal. When I started asking questions after the second surgery, boy did I get the run-around.
We saw Dr. Laxs who did the original repair several days ago. His work on Milan's heart was very successful and the repaired valve is working perfectly. He was on vacation when all this happened and was very troubled by our story and all that happened. He assured us it would be looked into and discussed among their entire team.
So you all had a part in Milan's survival and we continue to need your prayers for patience and wisdom as we recover from this ordeal. Thanks to all of you who posted your love and prayers on the blog. Your words of love and encouragement have meant so much to us. Love and Thanks, Kay
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Wow! God definitely had a hand in rescuing & saving Milan's heart & life. Praise God for Dr. Sealah & his knowledge, wisdom, discernment & very quick decision-making abilities & LIFE_SAVING actions!
We are prising & thanking God Almighty for doing such a mighty work in Milan's life.
We love you & will continue to lift up the whole family in prayer.
Love, RC
Thank you so much for the update, I have been checking daily and praying that Milan has been improving day by day, which it sounds like he has.
My prayers continue to be with all of you as I know that the emotional stress and strain is tremendous.
God is so good and His hand is on all of you. Keep you heads high praising Him each and every day for what He does and knows, that we don't.
Love and Blessings,
Kathy O.
We have been reading and praying for Milan and your family since we read about his emergency......while catching up with your latest update you mentioned Milan getting his energy back....please allow us to suggest you check with his physician and have them check his vitamin B-12 level....after something this tramatic we believe that these levels have probably reached a deficiency.....with B-12 regulating other major sytems in our body this is one of the most important.....especially with heart patients and the meds that are taken it becomes critical he start taking B-12...
Our family just learned this lesson....husband's mother was in ER last week with what was thought to be a heart attack (she is in great shape for 92)...turned out to be acid reflux but the one thing that showed up was she was critically deficient of B-12(level was 125 - way below the 200 mark which is considered on the low side) .....her heart Dr of over 18 years apologized to her yesterday for missing this all these years....go figure....but we hope it will be helpful to everyone can be taking folic acid but still miss the fact you are deficient in B-12.....
Praying for continued strength for Milan and all of you...
The Bowden's
Ocala, FL
Having gone through the ups and downs of a son in the hospital for 8 months caused me to feel your pain and despair. I felt very sad for you all as you fought for Milan's life. You feel so helpless. And yet, God's intervention by bringing in Dr. Sealah at the moment he did, just reinforces my belief that God does not rescue us from pain but works out his plan in a way that doesn't make sense until later. We love you. The Wendorff's
Kay - We know Dr. Saleh very well! God also answered the prayers of the faithful and sent Dr. Saleh to save Russ' life also!
That was in Sept 2003.
Love to all, Judy & Russ Williams
Milan, God loves you. He is right there with you. I am asking God even now to pour out peace and grace sufficient for the day. Love to a brother in the faith, Frank
Dear Kay, Milan, and family,
As I read Kay's updates, my eyes started to get teary. How can my heart not feel such emotion as it digests Kay's descriptive words and thinks through the close horror of losing someone so precious and dear to our hearts. Thank you Lord for your divine intervention.
Thank you Milan for writing in this week's newsletter too. I love your sense of humor despite of all that just happened to you. "Milan-proof" prescription bottles!! :-) Just that one description I immediately realize how weak you were the first week home. May the Lord renew both of your strength.
Love, Melinda and James, TOL Fremont, Ca.
Thanks for the details, Kay. It does help to know how to pray specifically. All our best thoughts continue to be with you all. We keep checking to see how it's going. One day at a time, you really will be up and at em.
Love always,
Ken and Diane
Wow! I had no idea what you were going through while we were out traveling in Ireland and Texas. We sure are praying for you and I am looking forward to you're getting back on the radio. I had people in Texas ask about how you were doing and that was before I had discovered your blog.
Milan, Kay and Family,
First, I pray that Milan's physical restoration continues, as well as spiritual, emotional replenishment for Milan and you all.
I am a Club New Life Podcaster whom you have helped very much. And Kay and Milan, How We Love is the number one book and workbook, along with counseling and life recovery, that has been helping my marriage and my family in a mighty way over the past several years.
Long before your surgery I have regarded you both as friends. I have a New Life monthly update CD on which you both speak on How We Love. So I know both of your voices... You are my brother and sister in Christ whom I love!
I have been praying for you here from the Rochester, NY area ever since I first learned of your surgery. I continue to pray for you and hope to meet you on both sides of heaven.
I just located this blog for the first time and am amazed at all you've endured. My heart breaks for you, actually, at the same time that I am deeply grateful for God's guiding hand that is unmistakably evident in your whole situation.
I want to share that my middle daughter is being married this week, the first of our children to do so. Kay and Milan, for me you are the marriage doctors! I know that How We Love is among the best gifts I can offer my daughter and her new husband. I thank God for you both, and for how you honor our Risen Lord with your lives.
I pray God's continued healing and his tender loving care for you all.
Tons of love,
Hello this is mojoy4god from the blog. I am a 51 yr old married woman. And struggling with my own autoimmune illnesses know the frustrations of life with no energy and fatigue. And life changes no JOB. But since being on disability. I have learned new things of God how he shows us FAVOR in ALL things and takes care of us thru many struggles in life and to NEVER GIVE UP push forward. So I am saying Milan looking forward to hear your wonderful advise again on the radio soon. And words of wisdom you give. Thank you Kay for your gift of graciousness and love you give to everyone you meet. I look forward to meeting you both someday. God Bless Keep the faith. And remember We Have the Victory thru the Blood of Jesus. Matthew 9:27-29
When Jesus departed from there, two blind men followed Him, crying out and saying, "Son of David, have mercy on us!" And when He had come into the house, the blind men came to Him. And Jesus said to them, "Do you believe that I am able to do this?" They said to Him, "Yes, Lord." Then He touched their eyes, saying, "According to your faith let it be to you."
Wow, I had no idea how close to life-ending that it came. You're in my prayers that God will heal tounand return you to great condition that you were in. Please forgive me for emailing you and Kay.
I just attended New Life in Washington D.C. and talked up How We Love big time. I continue to learn from your material.
God Bless,
We are still praying for you & anxiously await the day when you can return back in person to the Mon. night How We Love classes.
Love, RC
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