Saturday, August 9, 2008

Over and Out

Ksschhhhhhhhhhh (That’s the walkie-talkie sound that comes after "over and out")

Quick story...Dad went to swim laps at the pool the other day. Yes, he is such an athlete. Well, around his last lap, he started to look around the pool for the ladder. He scanned the pool's perimeter, finding no way out other than pulling himself up and over the edge. Furthermore, the water level ended about two feet before the edge of the pool. He knew this exit would be interesting, especially since he lost so much of his upper body strength after both surgeries. He said a quick prayer, asking God to divert eyes as he took a big breath, and shimmied his way up the wall. Let’s just say he described his efforts as part army crawl, part walrus. The road to recovery can be oh so humbling.

I cannot tell you what an encouragement you all have been to me. Looking back, I thank God for all the support and prayers from all of you. This allowed me to post more specific prayer requests, but more importantly, it enabled everyone to follow our day-by-day journey of healing. Through writing this blog, I articulated and shared my feelings in a deeper way than I would have on my own. Thank you.

Feel free to email me any time. If you have any great PR writing positions for me, I'm looking for a job in January. Right now, I'm doing a media relations internship for Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse. It's been an incredible opportunity and I just love what I'm doing there. God Bless you all.

Kelly Yerkovich